Friday, Jan 9th 2015

Touch down at Merdeka square. This was the location where Malaysia declared as independent country. The surrounding buildings are having Europe architecture, left by England colonial periods. The building behind my photo is called Sultan Abdul Samad. Malaysia is currently doing campaign to make it one of the world heritage. Seeing Malaysia as a country , who is still young compared to my country, it really makes me envy. The main point is the infrastructure and public transportation in malaysia is way better. I hope Indonesia will be too.


Saturday, Jan 10th 2015


This is the access street to the Sultan Mosque. A lot of mid east restaurant opening there, but I dont have any intention eating there, expensive and kind of overrated I think.


Finally I got a chance to eat authentic street Singapore Ice cream. They have many variants here and offered with bread or wafer. I choosed the later with choco chips ice cream. The taste is good enough, well I don’t expect a lot from cheap ice cream, huh.

Sunday, Jan 11th 2015

After had a slightly full breakfast at hotel, we took a walk around it, and we found this car, Padang cuisine car, haha



Chicken Hainan Rice is one of special culinary in Singapore

New Year Holiday at Kuala Lumpur and Singapore

It Is Been A Long Time

Hi, it is been a long time since I posted something new here. Well, actually I had been writing in other blog too, the purpose is I just wanna to try how to setup the blog in my personal VPS (Virtual Private Server), using Ghost blog platform. But now, because one and other things, I changed up my mind and wanna start again writing on this blog. Managing many blogs is very bothersome.

So let see what I will write on this blog. Stay tune 😀

Some Useful iOS Libraries

Got it from another website here:
I just copy the list and put it here in case I need to look it once again.

  1. ASIHTTPRequest – This is the first on the list for a reason, and I would be remiss if this wasn’t at the top of the list. If you are still making CFNetwork requests you need to use this library. It handles every networking task you’d ever want including sending POST data, uploading files, server authentication, synchronous/asynchronous requests, queueing requests, caching, cookies, bandwidth throttling, and anything else you could think of. You can program using delegates or by specifying completion blocks. This is a must-have library for anyone writing iOS apps that use a network connection.
  2. GCDiscreetNotificationView – This is a nice way to display information to the user without being as obtrusive as a modal window. Simple and elegant.
  3. MBProgressHUD – For the times when you need to interrupt the user with information. This is great for download progress meters (using ASIHTTPRequest, of course) and synchronous tasks where the user isn’t allowed to interact with the application.
  4. SSZipArchive – Based on ZipArchive, this class provides simple utility methods to unzip files with your iOS application. Great for downloading a set of files from your server and then unzipping them to a specific place in the filesystem. You don’t even have to init the class, it provides a singleton object that you can just call to unzip the file where you need it:
  5. EGOTableViewPullRefresh – Ever wonder how you can do the cool “pull to refresh” thing like the Twitter iPhone app? This library makes it almost trivial to add that sort of functionality to your application.
  6. DavidBoyes/SDWebImage – This is a fork from the main SDWebImageproject. This library is great for loading a network image into a UIImageView and retaining it indefinitely. The code uses a hash of the image’s URL to cache the image in the application’s /Library/ folder. If that same URL is requested by the application at a later date, it loads in the cached version instead of pulling the image over the network. This fantastic category addition to the UIImageView class will make your life a lot easier. And the library handles everything FOR you (including placeholder images if you want). I forked that project and added some code that fades in the image instead of simply popping it in.
  7. SBJson (aka json-framework) – I won’t get into the benefits of using JSON instead ofXML in this post, but this is an overall great JSON framework. I’ve tried a few others, but this one takes the cake in terms of simplicity for simple parsing operations.
  8. InAppSettingsKit – Apple has made a Settings.bundle format available to developers so that their app settings can show up in Apple’s own Settings app. But what if you want those settings to show up inside your app? Enter InAppSettingsKit. It gives you the ability to generate an almost pixel for pixel representation of the Apple Settings app. You can, of course subclass it like I did in one of my apps so that it matches the look and feel of your application.
  9. ShareKit – This library is quickly becoming the de-facto standard for developers that want to give their users the ability to share things from within their application to social networks. Your users can share images, text, and even files (if the service supports it). All the big services are supported like Twitter, Facebook, Instapaper, Tumblr, and more… but the great thing is that since it’s completely open source, any developer can write a plugin for any service and utilize the ShareKit framework’s underlying code.
  10.  Flurry – (non-open source) This one isn’t so much a library but a great service that provides a library for you to use. Flurry is a developer’s best friend when it comes to tracking application usage (anonymously, of course) and statistics. You can set up triggers and events to see what users are interacting with certain portions of your application. One great thing that Flurry does is intercept uncaught application exceptions (i.e. “crashes”) and tells you what type of device it was on as well as the crash message, though the crash logs aren’t as comprehensive as something more complex like CrashKit.

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